Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Vasculitis charity ball!

The Vasculities charity ball!

Me and my mum are raising money for kids and adults who have Vasculities, to do this we are doing a charity ball. The ball is a chance for people with Vasculities to meet people with the same illness as them. 
 The ball will have an activity room this will be open all day for anyone. In the activity room there will be; 2 x-box's, books/colouring books, jigsaws, toys, TV/video games, 2 Ipads, a magician and a face painter. 
 There will be a lucky draw and you have to pay £5 a box full of chocolate truffles and you might be a lucky winner by picking a box with a winning raffle ticket. 
 To help with the ball I am doing; the boxes, the seating plan, starting the registration, choosing the menus and I will also put envelopes on your table for everyone so they can make a donation to the charity.
 There is a conference through the day where the children/adults can talk to other children/adults or doctors and learn more about HSP and they can talk about what they have tried and dealt with in the past of having Vasculities.  
 The Vasculities ball is on the Saturday 4th March 2017 all day.
Thank you for reading this and I hope I see you there.